post 3: The most embarrassing moment i'm willing to admit.

Most of my embarrassing moments are from my childhood, and I forget a lot of them but the only one I still remember clearly is from when I was on sixth grade.
 I was playing with some friends to “el pillarse” at school (that’s how I know the game) and we were hiding of the person who had to catch us. At some point I was so immersed on the game that I just yelled to my friends “follow me” and I started to run really fast just thinking on win the game but, when I looked back I saw that all my friends still hide and they were laughing at me because I was running alone, until now I clearly remember their faces when I looked at them, on that moment I was really ashamed.
Later (I don't know how) my brother hears the story too and started to make fun of me. Until now, he and my friends sometimes remember me that episode of my life but now I just can laugh with them because seriously, it was so ridiculous!


  1. That game exists around the whole world, in English is called "tag"


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